"Obese Aesthetics is a graphic design/illustration platform for a rather charming young man named Sam Stirling...often mistaken for the legendary sasquatch and seen foraging for crayons in the bins outside Lidl he has been drawing pretty pictures with or without permission for some time now, and does it rather well if truth be told. Throw him a few chocolate coins (fee TBC) and he might even fancy up your flyer / poster / brochure / website / face / mum's house."
I can't recommend my man highly enough. Super professional. So professional he had to give Blade some design lessons over the phone during the manufacturing of the album. Real talk.
My mans pen game is not only crazy with the designs, but with the bars as well, AND he makes his own beats too. Go check them shits out -
AAAAAAAAAAND the Facebook pages and blog, standardly -
http://www.facebook.com/pages/Beast/30686974105 music
http://www.facebook.com/obeseaesthetics?ref=ts design
PLUS the blog -
My man ...Beast is truly a don in this shit, so if you want things done right then holla at him to chop it up. Of course, you can own some of his work (and mines) by copping that good Cold Lazarus LP from http://enlish.bandcamp.com. Do it NOW! NO QUESTIONS!