Thursday, 2 June 2011

Cold Lazarus LP Launch 2moro.... DETAILS & MERCH

My Brighton LP launch is tomorrow. Cold Lazarus will be available for early purchase on the night on CD, USB and cassette(!).


- It looks like a massive drug pill.
- It is SUPER limited edition.
- It contains all of the following - Cold Lazarus LP, Rap Aint Real LP, Genius Squad - Cleverlution LP, Willy Emotion EP, 2 radio shows (including May Suspect Packages, tracks, interview, freestyles), a file of bonus tracks and dubs and all relevant artwork.

-ALSO, it comes from a VIRUS FREE COMPUTER, so rest assured your mac/PC will not be catching AIDS from the USB.

There are only a handful of these beauties to go around so if you're interested hit me up on Facebook and we'll talk business.


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