Monday, 28 March 2011


Having spent the last week in Cornwall back at the crib with my old man, Eddy Piranha, I am now preparing to board the Trans-England rail service back to the city of London. However, during my time here, as well as clocking up another couple of impressive hangovers, I have had the chance to raid the attic ('THE PIRANHA TANK') to see what possessions lie within, and have therefore documented said possessions so I can geek out on them on this blog at a later date, beginning soon. This also includes a number of scanned photographs and fliers etc with all of the associated stories attached. "All types of marvelous shit", as a wise man once said.

Stay tuned goons. I'm off to pack my bags.


  1. Great photo! You look so young...

  2. Hahaha, I look about the same I do now. Beard wise anyway. Gawd bless Eddy P.
